abigail thompson-o'connor creates work driven by ideas of humour, distortion and autobiographical representation. the work is very present at the time of making and truly reflects her emotional mindset and/or philosophical beliefs on society and how it influences her life. she goes further with these ideas, which can tend to be relatively dark or moody in nature, by reflecting them in contradictory methods, introducing humour and light-hearted themes to reverse negative attributes. distortion of image is prevalent in all her works, creating a dichotomy of utopian and dystopian themes. her work strives to be a representation of her own emotions whilst simultaneously combating and addressing stereotypes and prejudice in our society through a satirical lens.
abigail has a multi-discipline practice and she has engaged with sculpture, photography, painting, installation and digital media. through manipulation of these mediums, the themes of humour, distortion and identity are represented by consideration of colour and placement, using unorthodox editing and post-production techniques influenced by an absence of teaching and ‘messing around’ on traditional editing software. the result is often an uncomfortable one; a confusing arrangement of objects or an emotive mood determined by colour.
abigail was born in 1996 and has studied from 2016 to 2019 at kingston university in london. she continues to be based in london and is currently working towards establishing a professional art practice.